
While officers of the Club have their own particular responsibilities, major decisions should be made in consultation with the Management Committee.

It is expected that all officers of the Club attend General and Management Meetings or, if unable to do so, designate alternates to provide cover in their absence. Officers of the Club should keep accurate records regarding meetings and duties performed during their term of office.  These should be passed on to their successors in order that each management transition be as easy as possible.

Please read the Club’s Constitution, By-laws, and Policy Statement as these documents contain information applicable to the Committee’s responsibilities.


  1. The President or designate shall preside over all meetings of the Management Committee and Club, and is an ex-officio member of every Club committee.
  2. The President should ensure that the Club’s policies and procedures are implemented.
  3. The President should keep an up-to-date copy of current Membership Distribution list.
  4. The President or designate represents the Club to other organizations and to Probus Canada.


  1. The Vice-President will deputize for the President in his/her absence and perform any other duties that the President shall assign.
  2. The Vice-President will be the designated contact with the Management Committee for all Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and distribute Schedule C of the Policy Statement to group leaders at the beginning of the Club year and when there is a change in leadership or a new group is formed.
  3. The Vice-President shall annually review and up-date the Policy Statement, Club By-Laws, and Job Descriptions where changed have been voted upon and agreed to by the Management Committee.
  4. The Vice-President shall order, and present, the Past-President’s Pin.


  1. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and distributing the minutes of all meetings and the maintenance of the Club’s records, including the Constitution, By-laws, Policy Statement, Job Description, and Insurance Policy.  Minutes of the monthly general meetings shall include:
      1. The guest speaker and topic of his/her presentation.
      2. A report on the number of members and guests present.
      3. Reports on new business brought before the meeting and on any resolutions made and voted on.
      4. The date and place of the next Management Committee meeting.
  2. The Secretary shall be a key holder for the Club mailbox, and distribute mail to the appropriate member of the Management Committee.

Membership Chair

  1. The Membership chair shall receive and respond to applications for membership, ensuring that the applicants fulfill the Club’s criteria for membership.  A record should be kept of current members and those on the waiting list.  The register shall record members’ names, addresses, former occupations, telephone, e-mail address and, if the member agrees, the day and month of birth.  The Membership chair should receive a signature of consent relating to the BC Personal Information Protection Act and a completed Volunteer Service Request form, indicating how the applicant may volunteer services to the Club.
  2. In September, a Membership Renewal form (which includes consent regarding the BCPIPA and the Volunteer Service Request, above) should be distributed to all Members. The membership chair shall ensure all renewal information and membership dues are received by December 31 of the year.
  3. The Membership chair shall be responsible for the procurement of Probus name tags, and make available the Club’s Constitution and By-laws to new members.
  4. Membership lists shall be distributed to the members at least annually and shall include a statement that the list is not to be used for commercial or other non-Probus purposes.


The Treasurer shall:

  1. Provide leadership in managing the financial affairs of the Club.
  2. Deposit cash receipts.
  3. Prepare cheques for expenses, and obtain second signature from authorized signing officer.
  4. Reconcile membership fees to membership list.
  5. Reconcile monthly meeting revenue to the number of members and guests in attendance at monthly meetings.
  6. Maintain accounting records to record financial transactions of the Club.
  7. Prepare Treasurer’s Report for distribution at monthly Management Committee meetings.  A copy of these statements will be available to any Club member upon request.
  8. Prepare and present annual financial statements, after review by appointed financial reviewer, to members at Annual General Meeting.

Communication Chair

The Communication Chair will oversee the communication needs of our club including but not exclusive to the following:

  1. The Communication Chair will oversee the club website, ensuring it is current and that all information is accurate.  This includes:
    1. All pages on the website
    2. Site administration
      1. Primary site editor and administrator
      2. Training of authors, editors and administrator
      3. Maintaining backups for the website
      4. Email management through the Hosting Services
      5. Liaise with the Hosting Service concerning account payment, domain renewal and trouble-shooting
      6. Manage the “Contact Us” tool in the website
    3. Electronic Newsletter
      1. The Communication Chair will publish a monthly electronic newsletter and distribute this to all members no later than the first Friday of each month
    4. Maintenance of the Electronic Club Calendar (currently the Google Calendar
    5. Liaise with other Probus Clubs in British Columbia and with Probus Canada
    6. The Communication Chair should keep an up-to-date copy of current Membership Distribution list.

Social Committee Chair

The Chair will arrange and plan monthly social events for the Club that complement on-going activities such as pub lunches and theatre excursions (which are considered part of the “special interest” groups).

Following Management Committee approval of a proposed event and subject to time available, the Chair will post a sign-up form on the website and provide a sign-up sheet at the next club meeting. The Chair will ensure that sufficient funds are collected from members for these social events so that the Club does not incur any cost outside of any amount agreed to beforehand (such as a subsidy for the Christmas party).

The Chair will establish a committee to assist with larger events such as the summer picnic and the annual Christmas party.

Social Committee Guidance Notes

The committee will consist of at least three members, representative of the Membership at large. Its responsibilities include, but are not limited, to the following:

        1. Assess the interests of the Club membership, both formally (i.e. survey) and informally.
        2. Review previous year’s activities and their relative success
        3. Review information from other Probus clubs to get ideas about interesting activities.
        4. Provide and plan for at least one free event, such as a summer picnic.
        5. Research as necessary to establish costs of transportation, admission, meals and accommodation if needed

Speakers Coordinator

Primary Responsibilities:

              1. Attend monthly Management Committee Meetings.
              2. Develop a program of recommended Speakers for approval by the Management Committee utilizing suggestions generated by Club members and other sources within the community (including sister clubs in the region).
              3. Correspond with potential speakers as required to:
                  1. Confirm presentation topics, dates and support requirement such as the use of the Club’s digital projector.
                  2. Obtain presentation title, speaker resume and speaker photo and provide same to the Communication Chair.
                  3. Determine if speaker will incur out of pocket expenses that will have to be covered by the Club and obtain pre-approval of any such expenses from the Management Committee.
                  4. Meet speakers on arrival at General Meetings and assist them as required with setup and testing of projector or other presentation aids.
                  5. Arrange to have other Club members introduce and thank speakers at each General Meeting.
                  6. Prepare a “back-up presentation” to have on hand in case of a nor show or last minute cancellation of the speaker.
              4. Store and maintain in good working order the Club’s digital projector, electrical power cord and power bar.
              5. Maintain and store a supply of gifts (currently pens) for presentation to each speaker.  Also be sure that gifts are suitably wrapped prior to each meeting.  Search out and recommend a supplier of gifts when the inventory runs low.

Sunshine Coordinator

    1. Ensure that a card and/or flowers are sent to members as appropriate (illness/hospitalization, bereavement). The number of cards sent will be announced at the General Meeting.
    2. In the case of extended illness, cards or flowers may be sent more than once.
    3. Assist the Membership coordinator in welcoming members and guests as they arrive at every General Meeting and ensure that all guests are formally introduced at the beginning of the meeting.
    4. Ensure there is a guest book and name tags displayed for guests.
    5. If the member’s family is in agreement, a bereavement notice to the membership may be made via an announcement at the general meeting and/or in the newsletter.

Club Catering Coordinator

            1. Provide monthly signup sheet for meeting.
            2. Ask president to remind members to sign up to cater snack for break.
            3. Provide job description to monthly catering crew.
            4. Give access code & keys to St. Mary’s hall & storage area where blue box
              with supplies is kept.
            5. Purchase Melita Coffee(available at QF) napkins, sugar cubes, tea,
              crackers, tooth picks to keep in blue Rubbermaid container.
            6. The club is paying a crew to clean up so that is no longer a
              responsibility of the catering crew.

Past President

The Past President will serve on the Nominating Committee and perform such other duties as the President requests.