The Probus Club of Nanoose Bay enables active semi-retired & retired members to organize and enjoy diverse interest groups, unique social activities and a stimulating speaker program.  Our club meets at St Mary’s Church Hall, 2600 Powder Point Road, Nanoose Bay at 9:15 A.M. on the third Friday of each month.  Guests are welcome!   For more information, contact us at

The membership application form is HERE

March 17: News about Probus Special Interest Groups (submitted by Brian Freestone)

In an effort to better serve both the membership and Special Interest Group (SIG) Leaders more effectively, and in order to streamline the time-consuming SIG reporting process at monthly meetings, we are now shifting much of the SIG-related information unto our newly launched website. 

Our website will offer the latest detailed information related to the activities of all 17 SIG’s currently offered within the Club. The move offers members much more flexibility in tapping into information at any time and as required,  rather than just hearing reports at monthly meetings. 

Should any SIG Leader wish to address the membership at a monthly meeting or to announce the creation of a new SIG, please advise the VP well in advance, in order to incorporate into the monthly meeting Agenda.  

SIG Leaders are encouraged to submit brief reports and a few photos of current activities to Jane Currie, Communications Chair, on a monthly basis, to ensure that SIG-related updates remain current and relevant.   

For the benefit of all members, especially newer members, we will soon provide a Probus confidential contact list for the organizers of all 17 SIG’s currently offered.  If wanting to become involved with a specific group, please contact the SIG Leader.

We are always encouraging members to present any ideas for creating new SIG’s of interest. Contact our VP, to explore further. 

President’s Message March 2025

The snowy winter was long for many, but March is finally here. The 9th of the month signifies Daylight Savings followed on the 20th by our first day of spring. This month brings us to our AGM and a new slate of officers.  I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those that over the past year of my Presidency have held positions on the management team, stepped up for various committees and led our Special Interest Groups.  You are the backbone of the Probus Club of Nanoose Bay and for this I am truly thankful.  You have made my tenure very enjoyable.   I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet most of our members.  As I move into the position of Past President, I want to wish my successor Brian Freestone all the best as he takes on his new role, on March 21st.

Darrell Robertson
President (2024/25) Probus Club of Nanoose Bay



Minutes for the March general meeting can be found here

Minutes for the March 2025 Annual General Meeting can be found here