Squamish Eagle Education and Viewing Trip Jan. 9 – 11, 2023

After the Christmas lights came down and a new year began it was time to get out and learn all about eagles living along the rivers in the Squamish Valley. We were a hardy group of 12 Probus members who braved the variable weather forecast and met up for breakfast on Monday morning on a BC Ferry.  As soon as our excursion began it seemed like the weather gods were smiling upon us as the skies brightened and improved both Monday and Tuesday.

Our Squamish Get-Away Included: 

  • A Group Tour of the Britannia Mine, Museum and the exciting multi-sensory film ‘Boom’….which got our hearts a-pounding! 
  • Visit to the Squamish Adventure Tourist Centre, and a cafe lunch we watched a video in the theatre featuring local retired loggers reminiscing about the good old days including old photos and video clips. 
  • Check-in time at the Sandman Inn
  • Our dinner that night was at the first ‘brewery’ in Squamish – Howe Sound Brewing- located downtown. 
  • Next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, we assembled in the hotel meeting room for a wonderful, interactive class on eagles by our guides Dr. Judith Knapp & Wolfgang Pauli.  They have been teaching all ages & stages about eagles for over two decades and their love of nature and eagles came thru loud and clear. Judith had lots of props to hand around and their PowerPoint presentation included lots of eagle photos by Wolfgang, and video clips by another local photographer, of eagles and eaglets in the nest.  We were all impressed with the depth of knowledge our guides imparted to us- leaving us even more enchanted by these iconic birds and their inter-connectedness to their environment, other wildlife and even to the trees.
  • After class we ride-shared to the dike in Brackendaie to view about 8-10 resident eagles along the river.  Most of the visiting eagles had left at the end of December due to a shortened salmon run season.  We had a relaxing stroll along the dike in partial sunshine with our binoculars in hand and Wolfgang’s spotting scope at the ready. 
  • Lunch on the dike at Watershed Bar & Grill (aka Jacks Bar in the Virgin River Netflix series)  with a great view of the river, mountains and eagles was delicious and filled with lots of chatter and laughter! 
  • After lunch 9 of us went up the Sea to Sky Gondola for tea & coffee and to walk around outside and across the suspension bridge as the sun began to set.  The semi-foggy view of the inlet and snowy mountain tops was quite spectacular.  
  • Tuesday night’s dinner was at another local favourite -Pepe’s Chop House- with very good food and there was something on the extensive menu for everyone. 
  • Wednesday morning we said goodbye to 6 members as they had plans elsewhere while 6 of us stayed over another night. 
  • Weds at 10:30 am we skipped breakfast at the hotel and brunched at Fergie’s Cafe at the Sunwolf Resort. We ate in a charmingly rustic, remodelled train-car type structure with a real fireplace and perched just above the river. 
  • We three couples went our separate ways after brunch. Some went to tour the new subdivisions and Quest University, others toured downtown Squamish to view the numerous murals and art installations. The weather stayed relatively dry with fog at the base of the mountains. 
  • Our last dinner was at a small, authentic Indian restaurant called ‘The Essence of India’ where the chef brings the food to your table. 
  • With all the outside time during this get-away it must be noted that there were no late nights for our group! Up early and to bed early! 

This tour may be a good one to repeat in November or early December when the visiting eagles arrive in large numbers with the coming of the salmon. Squamish is a wonderful small town to visit any time of year with their excellent hotels, restaurants, friendly locals and many parks, trails and walks along one of five rivers in the Sea to Sky country. 

Enjoy the slideshow!

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