25th Anniversary Summer Picnic

NB Probus Picnic, a Hit! 

This year the Nanoose Bay Probus Picnic celebrated our club’s 25th anniversary. The weather gods, once again, smiled down on us providing sun and a light breeze. The picnic was attended by 73 members, and we were joined by our Regional Probus Director, Ian Kennedy and his wife. There were tasty salmon and beef burgers, lovely homemade salads, and celebration cakes to round out the meal.  A game organized by Jacki Clements challenged members to discover interesting information about one another.  All indications were that everyone had a wonderful time.

The Nanoose Bay Social Committee would like to thank Darrell and Bryan who barbequed, Ethel, Jenny and Fiona who prepared salads, Heather for the lovely floral centre pieces, Esther who directed traffic, and the many members who provided their ladder ball games, shade tents and BBQs for the afternoon. We would also like to thank those who assisted in set up and clean up. Without this participation of all of these individuals our picnic would not have been such a success.

Wishing everyone a lovely summer.

Wendy Hayes

Social Committee

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