Monthly Archives: May 2023

Wee Drammers Welcome Summer

It was good to be able to sit outside for our May Wee Drammers gathering without bundling under blankets and space heaters!   The group gathered at Ron W. to sample #’s 147 and 148 on our ongoing quest to ‘cover’ … Continue reading

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May ABBA Update

Fun, fun, fun, many laughs and beginner’s luck were the themes of the May ABBA games evening.  Hosted by the Murray’s and Nelson’s, we played way past our bedtimes, learning new games of Mexican Train and Sticks. Looking forward to … Continue reading

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MOTO in May

Moto Members Dine Out   On May 25 seven MOTO members enjoyed fine dining at Kalvas Log House restaurant in Parksville! A good time was had by all – and much admiration was shared as we watched Vivian depart in … Continue reading

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We had 9 kayaks and 12 paddlers on our first Probus trip.  We circled south Winchelsea Island and stopped at Southey Island (photo) May 12. submitted by Graham Farstad

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Les Wineaux April 2023

Les Wineaux submitted by Maggie Carter On April 12th,  thirty-three Members of Les Wineaux enjoyed a “Taste of Italy  – Veneto to Puglia” at the home of Joanne Caple & Bob Delaney co-hosted by Chriss & Brian Steane The weather could not have … Continue reading

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